Damascus Way has been a long time partner with a ministry called “ChainBreakers,” which is hosted just blocks from our Golden Valley site at Oak Grove Church. For years men from Damascus Way have attended this faith program on Thursday evenings. ChainBreakers has really created a sense of authentic community for many men. It provides a space for broken individuals to share testimonies of their personal struggles and history, but also of their success and breakthrough in their own lives after encountering God.

Last night our Executive Director Tierre Webster preached at ChainBreakers from Mark 5 and gave a powerful message of freedom from bondage. Many men from both our Rochester and Golden Valley sites had the chance to visit for the first time and it was truly impactful for them. A former graduate of Damascus Way also had the opportunity to share his own story. Check out the ChainBreakers Facebook page if you are interested in learning more or watching last night’s livestream!